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Kristen's Block Party 2.0​

Aug 13


Lexington Hearing & Speech Center

350 Henry Clay Blvd.

 Lexington, KY 40502

Submit your Light it Up Blue photos for Kristen today!!


Ways to donate:

  • Make checks payable to:"Kristen's Block Party"

  • to pay with credit/debit card.  

  • Use any "Donate" button on this page.

For more info on donations, please contact us via email at




Tel: 815.302.8275

Tel: 502.599.1130


All proceeds will benefit Kristen's Block Party and Lexington Hearing & Speech Center (Lexington, KY).

Our Story: We noticed Kristen was not speaking like the other children her age, so we quickly got First Steps to try and intervene. Unfortunately, progress was not made in the way that we had hoped. Right around time for Kristen to turn three, we got what seemed like a million assessments done to see why Kristen was not hitting her developmental milestones. We learned shortly thereafter that Kristen had autism. We were devastated, as we didn’t know much about autism and we feared that she may not grow up to be a “functional” member of society. Fast forward a few months later, with prayer and patience, we have learned that autism isn’t a death sentence, but with the needed help, it can be a hope sentence. We cannot predict the future, but we are hopeful with great intervention that our little Kristen will flourish to be the beautiful, smart, socially functional little girl that we know she can be. What we have also learned, is that along with patience and constant desires to learn more about autism, there is a large expense attached to having a child with special needs. Our goal is to begin an annual tradition that grows to be a revenue builder for grants, scholarships, and research.

Kristen’s Block Party is an autism awareness event meant to provide a safe place for families who have been affected directly or indirectly with autism, a learning space for those who haven’t but want to learn, and an opportunity for the community to come together and bridge gaps between those who deal with the daily struggles of disabilities.

Light It Up Blue is an annual event where people all over the country wear blue to support autism. We asked all of our friends and family to wear blue this year and we were blown away by the outpouring of love in the name of Kristen and many others who they are connected to who have autism. Events such as these, allow for conversations to be had, compassion to overflow, and understandings to be met. Thanks again to all of our family and friends who participated.

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Support Autism Awareness!!!

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